Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I feel like the recent lectures have really helped me think about my design career throughout college and even after graduating.
For now, I see design as something I will pursue as a minor so the parts where the speakers talked about the application process for the design major did not apply to me as much. However, it was really interesting hearing about what it is that the evaluators look for when going through the portfolios because I think it is something important that everyone can take with them. For example, when one of the speakers talked about how even if you are rejected the first time, it is important to keep on trying to show how much dedication you have, I thought that was an important lesson because that is true in so many things.
Listening to all the speakers talk about their views on design really helped my solidify my decision to keep on pursuing my design minor. Before, I thought about pursuing a design minor only because I liked (and still like) art in general. Although, now it seems like by studying design, I will be able to think in a more diverse way and I bet that skill will definitely come in handy in any field of study.

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