Monday, May 23, 2011


Here are my team members:

  •  For this project, our group started off with many different ideas for our product. 

These were a few of the ideas I had for this project. In the beginning, we started off thinking of a product that would be intended for use in the home setting but having the potential to be used for camping as well (dual-purpose). When I thought about this project, I thought about twisting that concept in the opposite direction and that was how I came up with some of the ideas above.
During the brainstorming stage, things such as bedding, lamp and storage came to mind within the group. Eventually, the idea of a table that could also be used as a bed was thrown on the table and as a group, we decided to go with that.
This is a sketch of what I envisioned as our potential product after that idea came to surface.

After talking to Gabe, we realized that since Coleman already has so many camping related products, we could detach ourselves from the camping concept and focus more on the home setting. From here, the image of our product changed into something that was more appropriate to the typical home but also being able to be used outdoors as well.

Then, the idea of a table that could also turn into a hammock came along. At that point, we decided that that was what we were going to work on as our product. As a group, we discussed how we wanted to format the packaging and kiosk as well so that the product would be appealing to both the user and the client.

Here is the actual Prezi presentation:

Putting together the presentation, we were all assigned different topics to cover for the product.

  • For this project, I tried to throw out different ideas to help bring about even better ideas at the initial stage. After we decided what we wanted to do, I was in charge of the Client part of the presentation. For that, I identified who the client was and I created a collage that showcased Coleman's products and its identity and for the presentation, I explained how we wanted to help Coleman start up its brand in the home goods sector.

I thought this project was interesting because like I mentioned before, it was different from my Theatre 100 project where instead of just coming up with whatever we wanted to do, there was a specific client and user that we had to keep in mind and the whole process revolved around the client and user. That definitely changed my way of thinking through the project.

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