Sunday, April 24, 2011


My group:

At the beginning, we all looked up information for each of the clues to figure out which buildings the clues were referring to. Then, we went to each of the buildings to take pictures.

Clue 01:

This is Aggie sitting on the Barcelona Chair. The Barcelona Chair was designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. There is the Children's Barcelona Chair which is 85% scale of the original.

Clue 02:

This is Kristian reading Azure magazine on the UP Round Lounge Chair designed by Gaetano Pesce. This chair is one of the chairs in Pesce's Up Series which consists of many interesting looking chairs such as...

Clue 03:

This is us chilling in front of the Wexner Center. The Wexner Center can be considered an important piece of architect for Eisenman because it was his first major public building that he had designed.

Clue 04:

This is the SEL and the building is very interesting because it has many arches all over the place.

Clue 05:

And last but not least, this is Thompson Library. The design team for this building was chosen through an architecture competition.

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