Friday, April 15, 2011


First of all, HI! to all of my 6 buddies: Aggie, Avi, Crystal and Kristian :)
It was very fun and interesting reading each of your blogs! Definitely got my mind stimulated!

"Looking at books and magazines and even walking around campus with Gabe talking about architecture opened up a whole new world to me...cheesy as it sounds. I have never given architecture even a thought but that day I was so observant and eager to hear more about how and why these buildings on campus were built the way they are."
When I read this part, I started nodding my head in agreement because I remember thinking the same way too. Especially with Knowlton Hall and the ramp. I never really knew that the ramp continued all the way to the top of the building. When I found out that the ramp was there for people with physical disabilities, it made me think about the difference between art and design; for yourself vs. for others.

"The consistency of the police cars give the image a feel where it could be possible for the trail of police cars could be infinite."
I really enjoyed looking at all of Avi's pattern photos but I especially liked the police car one! It just looks awesome. It almost reminded me of my bike rack pattern because they both show an actual thing/object repeating over and over again. I also liked how Knowlton Hall in the background has its own pattern going on. I just wonder what was going on that made this many police cars line up in front of Blackwell... Did I miss something...?

"I think that Jonathan Ive is one of the most incredible designers there is and in my opinion, a genius. Apple is a prolific brand that consistently churns out innovative products that are unmatched in popularity and innovation. To be able to have a hand in all the products listed above is truly amazing .The simplicity of the products coupled with the top-of the-line technology is a formula for success."
I'm really glad Crystal did her designer research on Jonathan Ive because, honestly, I did not know he was the designer of all the Apple products (may have heard his name before in the past) and I always wanted to know who was responsible for them because they all look so neat! I've always been a PC person and I feel much comfortable using a PC so I don't really plan to get a Mac in the near future, but not going to lie, I do envy how awesome Apple laptops look compared to mine!

"I think that in our lives,design is very important topic and while combining it with the passion of learning new things,I can achive a lot."
I am very jealous of Kristian's talent :) I always wished I was good at something but I have always been pretty much mediocre at everything... Maybe design might be something I can be semi-good at :) I thought it was really neat that he had taken design classes from a very young age. And I really like the above quote; I think it is a great thing when your passion lines up with something you want to do in your life and I feel like that itself can motivate the individual to go above and beyond.

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